Maximum Likelyhood Estimation
Concepts behind the maximization of a function with random data interpretation
When we do maximum likelyhood estimation, where likelyhood is a function we need to maximize a function. That's basically what we need to do.
If you get a function you need to know how to maximize this function. Sometimes we have closed-form solutions where you can take the derivative and set it equal to 0 and solve it.
But sometimes, you actually need to resort to algorithms to do that and there's an entire industry doing that.
Defination: Let $(E,(\rm I\!P_{\theta})_{\theta∈Θ})$ be a statistical model associated with a sample of $i.i.d.$ r.v. $X1, . . . , Xn$. Assume that there exists $θ^* ∈ Θ$ such that $X_1 ∼ \rm I\!P_\theta∗ : θ^*$ is the true parameter. This means: $| \rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}(A) − \rm I\!P_{\theta^*}(A) |$ is small for all $A ⊂ E$.
We have a model on sample space $E$ and some candidate distribuiton $\rm I\!P_{\theta}$. And Our goal is to estimate a True $\theta^*$, the one that generated some data, $x_1$ to $x_n$ in an $iid$ fashion.
But, this $\theta^*$ is really a porxy for us to know that we actually understand the distribution itself. The goal of knowing $\theta^*$ is so that you can actullay is we can know what $\rm I\!P_{\theta}$ is.
And now our goal is to actually come up with the distribution that's close to $\rm I\!P_{\theta^*}$
$\hat{\theta}$ leads to $\rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}$ (Candidate Distribution)
$\theta^*$ leads to $\rm I\!P_{\theta^*}$ the true $\theta^*$ (True Distribution) According to which our data was Drawn
Now, what we want is that If we compute, Probability of $ \rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}$ under some interval $([a,b])$ it should be pertty close to Probability $\rm I\!P_{\theta^*}$ of the same interval $([a,b])$ $$ \rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}([a,b]) \tilde \rm I\!P_{\theta^*}([a,b]) $$
Statistician’s goal: given $X1, . . . , Xn,$ find an estimator $\hat{\theta}$ = $\hat{\theta}(X1, . . . , Xn)$ such that $ \rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}$ is close to $\rm I\!P_{\theta^*}$ for the true parameter $θ^*$.
So, In particular, If we want those to be close we should have the absolute value of their difference to be close to 0 $$| {\rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}}(A) − \rm I\!P_{\theta^*}(A) |$$ is small for all $A ⊂ E$
Total Variation Distance
The toatal variation between two probabilities measures: $$TV(\rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}, \rm I\!P_{\theta^*}) = \underset{A ⊂ E}{max} | {\rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}}(A) − \rm I\!P_{\theta^*}(A) |$$
So, if the total variation between theta and theta prime is small, it means that for all possible $A's$ that you give, then $\rm I\!P_{\hat{\theta}}(A)$ is going to be close to $\rm I\!P_{\theta^*}(A)$
# Returns the likelyhood value of 2 with mu=3, sigma=7
norm.pdf(3, 7, 2)
# ref:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#x = [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]
x = [4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 5, 2, 3, 5, 4, 8, 9]
# Compare the likelihood of the random samples to the two
# distributions
def compare_data_to_dist(x, mu_1=5, mu_2=7, sd_1=3, sd_2=3):
ll_1 = 0
ll_2 = 0
for i in x:
ll_1 += np.log(norm.pdf(i, mu_1, sd_1))
ll_2 += np.log(norm.pdf(i, mu_2, sd_2))
print ("The LL of of x for mu = %d and sd = %d is: %.4f" % (mu_1, sd_1, ll_1))
print ("The LL of of x for mu = %d and sd = %d is: %.4f" % (mu_2, sd_2, ll_2))
# Plot the Maximum Likelihood Functions for different values of mu
# and sigma
def plot_ll(x):
plt.title("Maximim Likelihood Functions")
plt.xlabel("Mean Estimate")
plt.ylabel("Log Likelihood")
plt.ylim(-40, -30)
plt.xlim(0, 12)
mu_set = np.linspace(0, 16, 1000)
sd_set = [.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3, 3.5]
max_val = max_val_location = None
for i in sd_set:
ll_array = []
for j in mu_set:
temp_mm = 0
for k in x:
temp_mm += np.log(norm.pdf(k, j, i)) # The LL function
if (max_val is None):
max_val = max(ll_array)
elif max(ll_array) > max_val:
max_val = max(ll_array)
max_val_location = j
# Plot the results
plt.plot(mu_set, ll_array, label="sd: %.1f" % i)
print ("The max LL for sd %.2f is %.2f" % (i, max(ll_array)))
plt.axvline(x=max_val_location, color='black', ls='-.')
plt.legend(loc='lower left')